Day 1 – World Cup Hawaii

Day 1 – Sign up and riders meeting down at the competition location in Ho’okipa, on the north side of Maui. No wind, but nice waves coming in for surfing!

Happy to see my friends again, some of the girls competing are Inês Correia (POR) Kirsty Jones (GBR) Kari Schibevaag (NOR) Jalou Langeree (NED)







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SO HAPPY TO BE ON THE WAY TO MAUI! Thanks everyone supporting me, it would not be possible without you!

SO HAPPY TO BE ON THE WAY TO MAUI! Thanks everyone supporting me, it would not be possible without you!

Now I am boarding the last plane out of 4, from LA to Maui. Will be nice to arrive after 45 hours of travelling, can’t wait to get out and surf! This trip is possible to make on 23 hours, but will this time in total take 50 hours since I had problems at the airport in Stockholm when I was checking in early in the morning, they could not find the reservation so I had to find a new ticket, maybe it was trouble cause I booked it last minute online. The only other trip they could find where I would make it in time for the competition “holding period” wich starts on Thursday morning had a 12 hour stop in Amsterdam, and then it departed from the airport 12 hours after my original ticket in the morning.

As always I travel with so much surf equipment, wetsuits and rashguard in my hand luggage and one kite that takes up half the regular suitcase, to use the space to the max, in addition to the boardbag that is filled with surf equipment to the limit, who needs clothes and makeup when you can bring your favorite surfboards and skateboard?!

Thanks everyone out there cheering me on! and SouthSurf, Comviq, Roxy Sweden, Xtravel, Volkswagen, Flexifoil Kites, TrueCar

When I got the unexpected extra day in Stockholm I took the opportunity to see Trudi and Nadine. Nadine is so wonderful and it was great to see her and say goodbye since I missed out on the all the girls skateboard evening on monday when I was preparing for the trip. And Trudi is so cute, she followed me all the way to the train station to make sure to wave me off on the train to the airport, better friends then my girl friends are hard to find!

Make it possible for me to compete next week!

Hi Everyone, Now I have set up a Indiegogo account, so if you wanna see me compete in the Worldcup the 29th november on Maui please help, I am trying to get enough money for the ticket from Sweden to Hawaii, entrance fee, transport and place to stay. I promise to rip and keep you posted on my FB page and blog!

Aloha /Erika

Spread awareness

“And be inspired to use less plastic, support more companies that have less packaging or use biodegradable materials, recycle more, pick up trash that we find on the ground, and help be better caretakers for this world.” – Tatiana

Saw this wise post on Tatiana Howard’s website – really important subject, we only have one earth and we have to look after it.. and beautiful video, so watch it!

Hawaii is the first state in the US to ban all plastic bags from stores, so when you buy something in a store you will get a paper bag instead, so much better for the environment! I wish this would be happening all over the whole world

Help me go to a Worldcup competition on the 29th of november!

Help me go to a Worldcup competition on the 29th of november!
Two days ago I got the email I have been waiting for the whole year: to get invited as one of 12 girls in the world to the KSP – Kite Surf Pro World Tour on Maui, Hawaii. Because we dont have a national team in Sweden, it is up to every rider to find sponsors and funding to travel to competitions. So to be able to go I thought I would do the same thing as the famous Swedish Olympic horse rider Sara Algotsson did – start a Facebook fundraiser! She wanted to keep her horse, and I need to raise $4500 to participate in this competition. If any of you would like to contribute toward making this dream come true – every dollar counts! I promise to give back through competing at the highest level and inviting you to join me on this adventure on my blog and on Facebook as one of the few girls in the world top of this male-dominated extreme sport

For international transfer
Erika Lindberg
IBAN: SE 43 30 00 00 00 00 84 04 01 02 69
Video from a KSP event I was competing at last year

With the wakeboard girls

Bringing the wakeboard Euro champion Carro och Trudi to meet up with Freeride at the snow fair Stockholm Winter Show

Now a proud owner of Freerides POW t-shirt!

To have good friends is the most important thing in life, and I love there girls, and they are not only awesome to hang out with they also happen to be among the best wakeboard and cable girls in Sweden